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Case Study

Compensation Received – £15,000

Mrs N from Wales visited her dentist, Dr N in order to receive the smile of her dreams. Instead, she had to face extensive pain and discomfort as a result of poor treatment, resulting in Mrs N receiving £15,000 compensation with the help of the Dental Law Partnership.

After gradually losing confidence in the appearance of her smile, Mrs N decided to consult Dr N about how veneer treatment could help. He suggested that two porcelain veneers would be required in order to achieve the look she was hoping for and as she felt confident in Dr L’s skill level, Mrs N agreed to have the procedure in late 2014.

Following the treatment, Mrs N was happy with the result, yet it was not long until things started to take a turn for the worse. She began to suffer excruciating pain where her veneers had been fitted, and also had difficulty eating. When one of her veneers completely fell off, she began to doubt how successful Dr L’s dental work had been.

Mrs N decided to get a second opinion from another dentist. It was revealed that Dr L failed to use a reasonable level of skill and care in the technical stages of both veneer placements, as well as failing to ensure that they were of a satisfactory fit. Mrs N had also lost a significant amount of enamel on the teeth where her veneers had been placed. The work was carried out to a poor standard, and Mrs N had to suffer as a result.

Mrs N not only suffered from high levels of pain, discomfort and also tooth sensitivity, she suffered the distress and embarrassment of her veneers falling off twice, resulting in the need for it to be re-fixed.

This was when Mrs N decided to approach the Dental Law Partnership about her case. Our specialist team of solicitors were dedicated to ensuring she received the compensation she deserved, so the end result of £15,000 in damages was greatly welcomed.

If you feel like you have suffered from dental negligence or if you’re unhappy with the level of care you’ve received from your dentist, get in touch with one of our team today. Call us on freephone 0800 0853 823 to discuss your case.