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Case Study

Compensation Received – £62,500



A Dental Law Partnership client has been awarded £62,500 in compensation after an out of court settlement showed he had suffered an extensive amount of poor dental care.

Mr W was a longstanding patient of dentist Dr G for 25 years and from 1985 to 2011, it was discovered that he hadn’t been receiving the high level of care that was expected. After the retirement of Dr G, Mr W starting attending a new dentist and it was revealed he had severe gum disease.

Due to the lengthy period of neglect by Dr G, Mr W then had to undergo a series of remedial treatments including extractions and now needs implants to fill the gaps. Had Dr G made a prompt diagnosis and following that provided appropriate treatment Mr W would not have experienced any progression of his periodontal disease.

This was clearly a distressing time for Mr W as he experienced high levels of intermittent pain including additional unexpected infections. The sensitivity caused by gum disease left him with extreme discomfort and it was only until he approached the Dental Law Partnership that it was discovered he definitely had grounds to make a claim.

When our experienced solicitors took on the case, due to the severity of the situation and the damage done to Mr W’s mouth, we fought for justice for our client and achieved success, and compensation for our client of £62,500.

If you think you might have been affected by dental negligence in any way, get in touch with one of our friendly team at the Dental Law Partnership today on 0800 0853823.