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Dental Procedure Guide: Dentures

Have you found yourself wondering what the standard procedure for dentures is? Whether you’re enquiring for a family member, or you think you may need to have a set of dentures created to replace your own teeth, the Dental Law Partnership is here to help.

We’re an established firm of dental solicitors specialising in dental negligence claims, situated within the UK. We represent a diverse clientele of clients across England and Wales. Our primary aim is to deliver justice for our clients, whilst also drawing attention to negligent dental practices and dentists within our remit.

We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge, enabling them to spot the signs of negligence and malpractice themselves, which is why we’ve created this Dental Procedure Guide.

If you’ve already had dentures fitted and you suspect you may have experienced negligence, please contact our highly experienced team on 0800 152 2038.

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What are dentures?

Dentures (sometimes known as false teeth) are artificial replacements for your natural teeth, created to replace missing teeth. There is a wide range of different denture types available, but they’re usually designed to look and act like real teeth.

The two main types of dentures are partial dentures and full dentures. Full dentures are used when all of your teeth need replacing, whereas partial dentures are used to mitigate tooth loss when a small number of teeth are missing.

There is a variety of different materials available for your dentures, including:

Depending on the number of missing teeth you have, your dentures may either rest on the underlying gum, or be supported by the rest of your teeth. In some cases, dental implants may be preferable to dentures. However, your dentist should be able to provide more advice about the most suitable treatment for your needs.

When might dentures be required?

There are a number of reasons why permanent dentures may be required. They’re usually recommended by your dentist when you have lost your natural teeth or had your teeth extracted, due to things such as:

Dentures can have a major impact on your health, as having gaps in your teeth can lead to dental issues such as gum problems and tooth shifting. However, dentures aren’t just limited to oral health issues. They also have a cosmetic function, providing a set of natural-looking teeth to improve your smile. Dentures are often more cost-effective than other forms of treatment for missing teeth, such as dental implants or bridges. If you’re unsure about whether you need dentures, please contact your dentist and make an appointment for a consultation.

Dentist and Patient Communication

The denture fitting procedure: A step-by-step guide

If you’re in the process of getting dentures fitted to replace your missing teeth, it’s natural to have some concerns. Dentures are a common dental treatment and are usually performed without any complications. However, to put your mind at rest, we’ve created this comprehensive step-by-step guide to provide reassurance and put your mind at ease.

When having dentures fitted, the process usually follows these steps:

  1. First, you’ll have an initial consultation with your dentist. At this appointment, your dentist will assess your symptoms and your oral health, before making a treatment plan for you. Your dentist will also need to gain informed consent from you and make you aware of any risks, side effects and alternative treatments.
  2. Your dentist will begin your procedure by taking impressions of your mouth, as well as specialised measurements of the relationship between your upper and lower jaws. This aspect of the treatment will usually be carried out over a series of visits. You should not feel any pain during this process. These impressions and measurements will help your dentist to work out the correct size, shape and colour of your dentures, although you should also have some input on how you’d like your smile to look.
  3. Your impressions and specifications will then be sent to a specialist dental laboratory, which will construct a wax model of your teeth.
  4. Once the wax model has been returned to your dentist, you will need to go to your practice for another appointment. You’ll be able to try the wax model, to ensure your dentures fit correctly. You’ll also get to see how your dentures look, so you can make sure they are right for you. This is usually your last chance to make alterations, so it’s important to raise any concerns you have with your dentist.
  5. Once you’re happy with the look and fit of your wax model dentures, the dental laboratory will create your final set of permanent dentures. Your dentist will carefully fit them for you, making sure they’re comfortable.
  6. Finally, your dentist should provide the appropriate aftercare advice, informing you of how to look after your false teeth.

However, depending on your situation and whether you need complete dentures or partial dentures, your treatment may be slightly different. Your dentist should provide a full treatment plan before carrying out your procedure for dentures, so you may want to speak to your dentist first to find out what your treatment will entail.

If you’ve already had dentures fitted and your dentist didn’t follow the correct steps, you may be able to make a dental negligence claim. Please contact our dedicated team here if you’d like to open a case.

How long does it take to fit dentures?

It’s difficult to say how long the procedure for dentures will take, as this is something that depends on your own personal circumstances. You’ll usually need several appointments before your treatment is completed.

However, on average, your denture placement should take between 30 minutes to an hour. If you are unsure, you may want to speak to your dentist to find out more information.

How many appointments can I expect when having dentures fitted?

When having dentures fitted, you will usually need between 4-6 appointments for your treatment to be completed. Whilst every situation is different, most patients require an initial consultation, several appointments to create the wax model and a final visit to fit your dentures.

However, if a tooth extraction is required before your permanent dentures are fitted, you may need more appointments.


What should be covered in my consultation?

If you think you need to have dentures fitted, you will need to have an initial consultation with your dentist. At this appointment, your dentist will assess whether dentures are an appropriate treatment option for you – they’ll also advise you on the type of dentures needed. Your dentist should also assess your oral health and examine the extent of your tooth loss. If you need to have a tooth extracted before your dentures are fitted, your dentist will usually advise that this surgery is completed first.

Your dentist should also review any alternative treatments available (such as dental implants) and the risks and side effects that could arise during the procedure. A treatment plan will be created, and your dentist should also gain informed consent from you before the procedure is carried out.

Extra steps may be required depending on your personal circumstances, but your dentist should be able to advise you accordingly.


The aftercare process

After your dentures have been fitted, your dentist should provide you with the appropriate aftercare advice. It’s important to follow the advice given so that your treatment goes ahead as planned.

Every situation is different, but the British Association of Clinical Dental Technology (BACDT) recommends the following aftercare steps:

  • – If you have to wear dentures, they may feel uncomfortable in your mouth. However, it’s important to wear them when required, as permanent dentures can help prevent further health issues, such as gum disease.
  • – When your dentures are first fitted, they should be left in until you go to bed. However, your dentures should always be removed before going to sleep.
  • – Your dentures should be cleaned every day. You should rinse them thoroughly in warm water, before using a denture cleaner/paste. Conventional toothbrushes are not recommended – instead, specific denture brushes can be purchased to gently clean your dentures. Your dentures should also be soaked in a specific dental cleanser for at least 30 minutes per day – once they’ve finished soaking, your dentures can then be rinsed off before use.
  • – You should also clean your mouth regularly, including your gums, any remaining teeth, your soft palate and your tongue. Mouthwash can also be used, and your mouth should be rinsed out after every meal.
  • – You may experience sore spots after your treatment has been completed. However, if the pain gets worse or doesn’t go away, you should ask your dentist to assess your condition further.
  • – Sticky foods should be avoided if possible. Eating may feel difficult at first, but rest assured that you will get used to using dentures after a while.

It’s important to follow your cleaning routine each day, as this will ensure the health of your mouth and your dentures. If you’re not sure which cleaning products to use, your dentist should be able to advise you accordingly.

If your dentist fails to provide adequate aftercare advice and something goes wrong, you may be able to make a dental negligence claim against them. To open a claim, please make an enquiry with our expert team here.

old man after dentures fitting procedure

Who should you contact if your treatment goes wrong?

Most dentures are created and fitted successfully, although, like all dental treatments, issues can occasionally arise. If something does go wrong after your permanent dentures have been placed, your first step should usually be to contact your dentist. Depending on the situation, your dentist may be able to rectify the issue for you.

You may also want to make an official complaint to your dental practice. Each practice should have a copy of its complaints procedure, which can be provided upon request. However, you should note that there is a one-year waiting limit in which to make a complaint from when the treatment occurred.

However, if your dentist is unable to rectify the fault, or if you feel that negligence has occurred, you could also consider starting a dental negligence claim. You don’t need to have previously opened a complaint to go through the claims process, but all claims have to be started within three years of the negligent treatment.

At the Dental Law Partnership, we’re a specialist firm of dental solicitors. Many members of our team have experience within the dental industry, as well as the legal field.

We can help you through the entire process – to get started, please request a callback here and we’ll assess your claim.


Questions you should ask your dentist before undergoing treatment

Tooth loss can be a major source of stress, and the process of getting permanent dentures created can be equally worrisome, particularly if you’re not sure what to expect.

The vast majority of denture procedures are performed successfully, but it’s perfectly natural to have questions and concerns. Your dentist should be able to answer any queries you have about dentures and your oral health, so it’s advisable that you speak to them first before undergoing treatment.

Here, we’ve created a list of important questions you may want to ask your dentist at your initial consultation appointment:

  • – How long does it take to fit dentures?
  • – How much will my dentures cost?
  • – Am I able to get a price reduction?
  • – Is a written treatment plan available for me to view beforehand?
  • – Are there any side effects or risks that I should be aware of?
  • – What aftercare will I require after my dentures are fitted?
  • – Are dentures essential for my situation?
  • – Do I need to have a clinical assessment before treatment?
  • – Is my treatment available through the NHS?
  • – Where will my treatment be carried out?
  • – Do I need to have any other procedures carried out to ensure the success of my dentures?
  • – How long will my treatment take, and will I need any follow-up appointments?
  • – How do I prepare for my appointment?
  • – Are there any alternative procedures I could try instead?
  • – Are there specific cleaning products I should use during the recovery process?
  • – Is there anything else I should be aware of before undergoing treatment?

Hopefully, these questions will give you the information needed to make the appropriate decision for your circumstances. However, if you find that you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your dentist.

If you’ve already had dentures fitted and you think you may have suffered from dental negligence, our expert team will be happy to help. Please get in touch and we’ll get the process started.

Male,Dentist in a dental practice

Seek justice for dental negligence with the Dental Law Partnership

If you’ve been through the procedure for dentures and something has gone wrong, you may have experienced dental negligence. Whilst most dental treatments are successful, occasionally issues can arise, which can be very stressful.

This is where the Dental Law Partnership comes in. We’re a highly trained legal dental firm, and we’ve helped thousands of people to get justice for the negligence they’ve suffered. We also work on a no-win, no-fee basis, ensuring that you only pay our fees if your claim is successful.

If you’d like to see how much compensation you could be granted for a successful dental negligence claim, please visit our Client Stories page.

If you’re ready to start your claim, please contact our highly skilled team on 0800 152 2038.

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