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Case Study

Compensation Received – £12,500



Mr G from East Midlands suffered in the hands of his dentist, Dr C, following an unsuccessful upper molar extraction which resulted in a breached sinus. The Dental Law Partnership took on Mr G’s case and were successfully able to secure £12,500 in damages.

Although Mr G was a regular patient of Dr C, he was made to endure a traumatic experience following an extraction procedure.  Dr C advised Mr G that one of his teeth would require an extraction. At first, Mr G wasn’t sure that he wanted the tooth extracted, however Dr C advised him this was the best option so Mr G agreed.

Dr C carried out the extraction and Mr G was not made aware of any issues following the operation. It was when the pain in his tooth didn’t go away that Mr G decided to seek the opinion of an alternative dentist.

His second examination revealed the lack of care and skill that was used by Dr C when conducting the extraction. A complication had taken place known as an oro-antral fistula which can happen during the removal of a tooth. Rather than Dr C pulling out the roots, they had instead been pushed up into the sinus.  Dr C had to ask for assistance from another dentist at the practice in order to remove the roots from Mr G’s sinus. He however failed to close the fistula.

Due to the oro-antral fistula (OAF) that was caused by the extraction, Mr G suffered a multitude of ongoing problems including excruciating pain, discomfort, further infections, headaches, social embarrassment due to difficulties eating and food entering the hole. In order to resolve the problem, Mr G was required to undergo further avoidable surgery under general anaesthetic which closed the OAF. He will also require implant replacement therapy in the future.

Mr G said, “I reached out to the Dental Law Partnership about the incident who were excellent from start to finish. They were extremely helpful and always on hand to answer any questions I had.”

Our team were able to successfully secure a £12,500 dental negligence compensation amount for Mr G, which can be put towards costly restorative treatment he may require in the future. No matter how big or small, if you need to discuss a potential dental negligence claim then get in touch with the Dental Law Partnership today by calling freephone 0808 231 6980.