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Case Study

Compensation Received – £16,000


Jan 2009 The potential impact that your mental health can have on your oral health BLOG IMAGE DLP min

Dr O was successfully sued after another dentist found that 5 out of 8 veneers placed had fractured.

Mrs G had been receiving treatment from the same dentist for over 20 years, and trusted Dr O when it was suggested that veneers were the right choice to improve her smile.

Having visited Dr O between 1990 and 2013, Mrs G felt that her dentist was the right person to perform the extensive cosmetic surgery.

Unfortunately in this case, the cosmetic surgery was rife with problems. 3 veneers were found to be fractured, 1 had completely chipped off and another had broken beyond repair, with the remaining 3 found to be completely unsuitable and incorrectly fitted.

Mrs G’s veneers had encountered problems regularly and after returning to her dentist for veneer replacement surgery as well as a session of re-cementing, decided enough was enough.

After seeking a second opinion from another dentist, it was found that Dr O had over prepared Mrs G’s teeth for veneers which in turn made the bonds weaker and unsuitable for this type of surgery. Each veneer was discovered to be fractured or broken beyond repair. Unfortunately, to add insult to injury, her original dentist had not treated or diagnosed the patient for gum disease before performing this operation, resulting in a severe case of gingival recession and further complications.

Mrs G approached The Dental law Partnership for veneers claim help after improper dental work was hindering her daily life, destroying her confidence and damaging her oral health.

The expert dental negligence solicitors at The Dental Law Partnership were able to secure £16,000 worth of compensation for Mrs G’s extensively poor dental work – helping pay for reconstructive surgery and exhaustive dental repair work.

The specialist dental negligence solicitors at The Dental Law Partnership have a proven track record in securing compensation for clients whom have suffered due to undergoing inappropriate or below par veneer work from dentists they have previously trusted.

We understand that botched dental surgery, including that of a cosmetic nature, can have devastating effects, and as such, fight for the maximum compensation available at all times.

If you feel you have been a victim of dental negligence or suffered due to poor cosmetic dentistry including damaged veneers, contact the specialist lawyers at The Dental Law Partnership on 0800 0853 823 to get your dental negligence claim underway.