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Case Study

Compensation Received – £6,000

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Specialist solicitors at the Dental Law Partnership made a dental negligence claim on behalf of a Welsh man following a shocking episode of mistreatment. A compensation amount of £6,000 was awarded to Mr T after he underwent an unsuccessful wisdom tooth extraction.

Whenever we visit our dentist, we trust that we’re in the hands of a professional and expect to be treated with a high level of care. This is what Mr T believed when he attended Dr U’s practice following pain in his wisdom tooth, yet the end result was not to be expected.

Mr T agreed to an extraction after Dr U advised this was the only option to relieve the pain. However, due to a lack of skill and a low level of care, during the procedure Dr U snapped the root of the tooth – as it was being taken out the tooth broke and a piece of root was pushed directly Mr T’s sinus.

The damage inflicted on Mr T’s mouth by Dr U’s lack of care resulted in the need for additional treatment. Mr T has suffered from extreme amounts of pain and will require an additional operation in hospital under anaesthetic to remove the remaining piece of root that has been left in the sinus. The hole that the root was pushed though originally will also have to be closed by stitching a piece of gum over it.

The Dental Law Partnership took on Mr T’s case and managed to secure £6,000 in damages to help him begin to get his smile back. He never expected to go through this traumatic experience after complaining about his wisdom tooth and he is now anxious to attend future appointments.

If you feel you have suffered under the care of your dentist, you may be able to make a claim for dental negligence and our highly skilled team of professional solicitors are on hand to help you get the compensation you deserve. Get in touch today by calling us on 0800 0853 823.